Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The past 6 weeks!

I'm finally back on the blogging band-waggon! These past six weeks have been non-stop. I've barely had time to fill up my gas tank much less sit down and post on my blog....

Note: The running out of gas "situation" is a whole other blog topic. I will eventually post about the many times I have run out of gas, but not before my husbands blood pressure goes down from my most recent experience.

I would like to re-cap the past few months:

My Cousin's Wedding in August

The happy couple (Charles and Amada) during the traditional parasol wedding dance!

The girls!
Karen, Me, Angie

Find a Cure!

In August, we found out that mom was diagnosed with breast cancer. I didn't want to post about it because we had so many questions and unknowns....and I wanted to keep my blog upbeat. Well...there is good news to report! Mom has since gone through surgery and is cancer free! She is still in the recovery process, but doing better every day. She has been so strong throughout the journey. God had truly blessed us through this process and I'm thankful for everyone's thoughts and prayers.

James and I on the dock. Please notice that I'm sporting a hat AND cover-up. I didn't get one bad sunburn all summer! After my last dermatologist appt, I had a "Come to Jesus" moment and have been taking MUCH better care of my skin ever since. Here's to looking younger when we are 40!

A few pictures of the crazy Canadian family:

James and Jon's Birthday Celebration in Canada:

Tomorrow's post: Our Napa and San Francisco Trip!


allison said...

That hat looks familiar from a couple of "lobster days" on our cruise!!!!!!! hahaha!!!!

I'm so, so glad that things are on the up and up with your mom. Praise the Lord!

Unknown said...

Back in action!

Kristen said...

Welcome back!

Katie Norwood said...

I've missed you! Glad to hear that all is well with the Lees.

Stuart, Jennifer, Hannah and Hudson Yeager (Phoebe and Daisy too!) said...

YAY!!!! You are back!