Monday, July 21, 2008

Where did this weekend go?

Do you ever have one of those weekends where you can’t really remember what you did? We just had one of those lazy weekends where the time just flew by. Sure….we saw some friends, went out to dinner, grilled out on Sunday..…but it still felt like we lounged around all weekend. I couldn’t do that every weekend, but they are nice to have every now and then!

On Saturday, I was definitely productive. I did a big house clean (organized drawers, went through old purses, straightened the closet etc)…one of those big cleans. I had HGTV on all the TV’s in the house to inspire me during the cleaning process. It just feels so good to have the house completely organized.

By Sunday, I felt like I had caught up on everything from work, to errands, to house chores. With everything so clean, it got me thinking of ways to spruce up the house….a new project to brighten up a room or change out old colors. Even new throw pillows would do the trick! I went to pottery barn, but I just wasn’t impressed with their selection. I was just going to get an idea…not to shop! Since we are saving for hardwood floors, I need to get creative on a budget.

Today at lunch, my plan is to go to JoAnn’s Fabric and look at material to either make throw pillows for our little kitchen nook, recover the cushion on the nook (it’s a washed denim color…ugh), or make seat covers for the dining room chairs (it was a hand-me-down table and I’ve always hated the material). Wish me luck! Hopefully, I will be inspired. I’ll be sure to document the project!!


Elicia said...

I am so excited that you and Tiffany both have blogs now! So fun. I can't wait to see your projects!